Hi all welcome to my blog I thought it was time I started one so I can keep you informed of what I'm up to. I will try and post any new sketches,tutorials and art to help inspire my students and anyone else that wants to look. So be inspired to draw things that don't exist........yet
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Does size matter... Wacom Cintiq 13HD
The new Wacom Cintiq 13HD as you can see is a little bit bigger than my Samsung slate SMART PC. But when you get sketching you don't notice it as much a little bit like the difference between the 24hd and the 22hd.
Wacom Cintiq 13HD Demo SKETCH
I have just finished this sketch demo on the new Wacom Cintiq using Sketchbook pro, after using my Samsung tablets so much it was great to use a slightly larger screen drawing feel was much the same, all being HD. Portability was restricted because you still need to plug it into a computer....the Samsung smart pc worked well, so I could sketch on my lap just like a sketch pad or more comfortably in my studio if I wanted to move around or sit in the comfy chair. I started the speed pod sketch with some very quick sketch lines then cleaned it up and did some more accurate scaling front and top view which I will use later for a Alias 3D model. I used the girl sketch to work out the scale and proportions, after that I just went through the layers colouring it in, and finished with some alternate backgrounds....ENJOY AND LEARN
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Cool designs
Mazda will exhibit the KODA chair The Chair is, in fact, very relevant in several ways. Beyond uniting the motion and artistry captured by KODO, the chair is also a perfect fit for the Salone Internazionale del Mobile – the world’s leading furniture fair and the largest single attraction during Milan Design Week.
Black is best
Thought I would do a black car demo after numerous requests for a demo on how to sketch a black car. I have used an older series of sketches below showing how you can easily evolve a design and change colours in Sketchbook Pro 6.Note that not changing the view makes it very easy to change the design form while still understanding the concept
Apart from the colour I also revised the design to be an electric power plant with easy replaceable electro replenished power packs.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
China culture
China was a never ending source of rich cultural design reference which I asked my students to use in their creative concept sketching.
Hands on teaching
You can't beat good old fashioned hands on teaching while teaching and giving lectures in China I found the best way was just do a demo and students rushed to get a good viewing point, the said they learnt so much from just watching how I worked sketching in sketchbook pro 6 on either the Wacom Cintiqs or my Samsung tablets....No different to how I learnt a lot of my skills from watching master concept designers sketching in pencils, markers, pastels and my favourite Badger air brush.